
Jessica Dawn Séguin Jessica Dawn Séguin

The Real Reason Reason Your Progress is Taking Longer Than You’d Like

You’re codependent and that’s a problem

I hate saying this out loud, but many practitioners have built codependency into their practice models. To be clear, I’m not talking about physical therapies that require consistent treatments like massage that contribute to ongoing wellbeing, but rather those of an emotional and spiritual flavour.

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Jessica Dawn Séguin Jessica Dawn Séguin

You Can't Bypass The Ugly Stuff

The work never stops. As long as were here there’s always work to do. The inner work continues and when we’re done is when we leave the planet. This doesn’t mean it always has to be hard. But our beings are vast like the ocean and there will always be depths to explore.

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Jessica Dawn Séguin Jessica Dawn Séguin

My Commitment To Anti-Racist and Decolonized Coaching

My work in the world is to help with Emotional Empowerment. During a time when emotions are running so high - with absolute reason - I've experienced a sense of overwhelm; seeing so many people in need, in pain and in anguish. Being able to retreat is a privilege that not everyone has …

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Jessica Dawn Séguin Jessica Dawn Séguin

Laughter as a Healer

Our emotions impact our physical state. Many years ago, when I separated from my spouse and moved into my first apartment with my kids, I was filled with a deep sadness and a sense of failure. I was doing my best to keep everything together; I made the apartment as cool and cozy as possible …

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Jessica Dawn Séguin Jessica Dawn Séguin

Love YourSelf First

Many years ago when I was still married, I had just learned that my Grandfather had died in a car accident. While I wasn't terribly close to him, I still felt the sadness of his passing and it was at this moment that my husband decided to tell me that he wanted to see other people.

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