Conversation: Racism in Canada
As part of a wrap up for February’s Black History Month, I was invited by Adenike Orimoloye, a former colleague to participate in a conversation about racism in Canada, specifically, to be the Caucasian voice; initially I resisted because traditionally there have been …
The Call Of Your Soul's Purpose
I had to keep going down this particular path because I’d ignored the call of “My Soul’s Purpose” for long enough. I acknowledge that this can also come across as extremely indulgent; “Oh poor you, you can’t do it if it’s not on purpose” insert eye-roll here.
Type-A in the Time of Covid
It took a few conversations with my mentor to see that I’d reverted into that Type-A personality, which is the High-Achiever rather than the High-Performer. The High-Achiever likes to check boxes, narrow focus into how many things I can DO in order to feel good about myself VS I am well and safe, how can I best serve during this time?