Being Silent is No Longer an Option
As a blonde, blue-eyed professional coach who, has worked in the “health and wellness” industry, in government and other white-dominated industries, I have been able to navigate within the world with extreme privilege.
Type-A in the Time of Covid
It took a few conversations with my mentor to see that I’d reverted into that Type-A personality, which is the High-Achiever rather than the High-Performer. The High-Achiever likes to check boxes, narrow focus into how many things I can DO in order to feel good about myself VS I am well and safe, how can I best serve during this time?
Take the Hustle Out of The Holidays
Back in November, my youngest and I were making our traditional British Christmas pudding (yes, we make it ahead of the to-do items and vowed to keep organized to make the holidays a breeze. Best laid plans, right? There is now one week until December 25 (even less for those celebrating Channuka) and I am …
Laughter as a Healer
Our emotions impact our physical state. Many years ago, when I separated from my spouse and moved into my first apartment with my kids, I was filled with a deep sadness and a sense of failure. I was doing my best to keep everything together; I made the apartment as cool and cozy as possible …
You Are A Diamond
I was helping a client with her marketing development last week; she is a fabulous practitioner who has helped many of her clients, including myself, regain pain-free movement and increased health. One of the problems she’s been encountering though, is …
Reconnecting To Creativity Through Fun
Sundays are generally days I like to unplug and rest up for the week ahead; I like to be in full form before I head into a week of serving my clients and holding space for people going through transformation and moving through self-imposed blocks (whether they realize they’re self-imposed or not).