You Are A Diamond

Jessica Dawn Séguin meditating hand on chest.jpg

I was helping a client with her marketing development last week; she is a fabulous practitioner who has helped many of her clients, including myself, regain pain-free movement and increased health. One of the problems she’s been encountering though, is how she explains what she does to and with people during her treatments.

As a coach, I can certainly personally identify with this. When I first launched Jessica Dawn Coaching, a question I received on an almost daily basis was “Like, sports coaching”? Or maybe I was a personal trainer? To be fair, nutrition is one of the pillars of self-care I work with, but what became clear to me was that I wasn’t communicating my offer very clearly, especially as the coaching field expands - everyone seems to be calling themselves a coach these days! It has taken me a bit of time to finesse the wording & explanation of what it is I do, trying on terms like intuitive coaching, business & success coaching before settling on Clarity Coaching.

Clarity is defined as the quality of being coherent and intelligible, or the quality of transparency or purity. Clarity is also one of the 5 C’s of assessing a diamond’s quality and grade. How does clarity apply to the work I do with my clients? My approach with the women I work with touches on the 4 pillars of self-care. In order to sort out the coherence, purity and transparency that lie at a person’s core and purpose, I help peel back the layers that have been covering her spiritual, emotional, physical and inner prosperity to find where her personal power resides. My 4 C’s of Clarity Coaching is how I help my clients cultivate the Confidence, Creativity, Career and Carat (this is your self-determined weight and value that YOU attribute to yourSelf, THIS is where your inner power truly resides). The Clarity is how your light shines through you so that in turn, you can light up those in your own personal sphere and rediscover alignment with your purpose, whatever that may be!

The 4 pillars of self care are Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Financial. When one or more of these pillars is out of balance, we begin to notice that smaller and smaller things throw us out of alignment. For example, if you are suffering physically, it will impact how much energy you are able to give to your spiritual, emotional and financial aspects of life, likewise, if you’re feeling off on your inner Soul purpose, it can show up as issues in your career, in your relationships and even physically. It’s all connected and all blips and upheavals are messengers that call us back to ourselves, always giving us the opportunity to regain that balance; it’s a matter of learning how to listen to your Self again. That’s where my Clarity Sessions come in.

What you can expect during a Clarity Session with me is an opportunity to be seen, heard and acknowledged. You can expect to feel what hasn’t been felt in a long time, to remember aspects of yourSelf long forgotten, a journey to your core, where your power resides, so you can stoke those fires once again. You can expect to leave a session with a list of homework to do each day, or over the following week, some nutritional instructions or a recommendation to see a particular practitioner and, hopefully a sense of lightness & relief, a realignment with your Self, your body or your career path. You are a whole being; body, mind AND Spirit. You are a diamond, formed through heat and high pressure, ready to be cut into your multifaceted life of your design and polished to let your light shine through.

XO Jessica


Love YourSelf First