Summer Solstice – I Can’t Believe We’re Almost Halfway Through 2021

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This Sunday is Summer Solstice 2021 in the Northern Hemisphere, officially peaking at 11:31 p.m. coinciding with National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21 to wrap up Indigenous Peoples Month. This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

This year, more than ever, we’re called to take pause and reflect on this sacred day as mass graves containing the bodies of children continue to be revealed at former residential school sites across the country. Canada can no longer hide from this shadow and deny the ugly truth.

None of this should come as a shock as survivors have been telling us for decades that these atrocities have taken place and the legacy of these horrors pass through generations until someone is ready to heal. 

We are seeing young people rise and demand justice, not only on this continent, but across the globe and I am inspired. Intergenerational trauma can also give way to intergenerational healing, and you have to be a warrior to face it all for the sake of your ancestors and the generations to come after you. 

I encourage you to listen to survivors stories and if you have the means, please donate to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society here.

The Solstice is a time for us to slow down.

As this hemisphere of the world gets bathed in the most daylight, you may feel heavy and sluggish, or just tired. Take your time to reflect on the first 6 months of 2021 and see what needs to be cleared before launching into the next 6 months. Slingshot off to the Planetary New Year (26th July, the day after my birthday) and the Lion’s Gate of August 8. 

The whole point of this year’s cycle is to level up as fast and as far as possible so that we land firmly, facing forward and ready to create.

Over the past year, I have personally been immersed in clearing out the dark and shadowy corners and taking charge of my physical, spiritual and emotional health before I step into the pinnacle of middle age. 

I’ve always cherished my health and want to make sure that I’m balanced in ways I’ve never been as I emerge from the strangest 18 months I’ve ever experienced (and I’ve experienced a LOT of strangeness in my time!). 

I am in a constant remembering that our bodies were designed as a perfect self-healing biological organisms and that the more I listen to what my body is saying, the better it is all around because it has an innate intelligence that heals and balances, and when we access that intelligence, we are guided to what is best for our bodies.

As always, I never recommend you do work I’m unwilling to do, especially when it comes to leaning into discomfort and uncovering the things we’ve been keeping hidden. Last fall I felt a call from plant medicines and recently experienced my first Ayahuasca ceremony. Sitting deep in my own shadows with the medicine was an extraordinarily powerful healing experience that I will write about more in depth after I’ve spent more time in my own personal integration, but I did speak about it a bit during the Talking Like No One’s Listening podcast I was interviewed on by Dr. Michael Friedman a few weeks ago. You can listen to that here 👇.

After that call from plant medicines, I began researching various psychedelics and also learned about microdosing and its benefits. Research has been showing that microdoses of psychedelics are helping people struggling with addiction, PTSD and major depression and microdosing has been shown to help unwanted symptoms such as migraines, over-stimulation, difficulty sleeping, physical discomfort, and sometimes even anxiety.

I decided to give microdosing a try to help with ADHD and have been blown away by the increase in my energy and massive change in my ability to focus and complete work with far less of a mental strain. While I’ve always thrived in the context of my 1-1 intuitive work, real-life does require some more structured aspects which have always taken extra energy for me to stay connected to. For the first time I can remember, I feel like my brain is fully turned on.

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If you’re curious to learn more, you can comment below or send me an email and ask, or you can check out the company I purchase my products from, Bright Future, from whom I’ve secured a 15% discount from for my clients and followers, simply use the code “Jessica15'' at checkout (ships in Canada only).

I’m quite excited about my personal evolution and how it’s impacting my work. I’ll have more to share about developments in that realm in the coming weeks and months, but for now I think the best way to frame it is that I am finally becoming who I am here to be.



P.S. Registration for the Illumination MasterMind closed, but stay tuned for a fall cohort in a few months!

As always, you can reach out to find out more about E-Motion, Energy in Motion, my 6-week program to connect deeply with your emotional landscape.


How to Take Yourself From Resentment to Clear Boundaries