What You Need to Know About Psychic Attacks and How to Protect Yourself

Ahh, the spiritual life — it can be so peaceful and calming, especially when you’re connecting with your own energy and higher self in meditation. But then there are those times when something feels “off” or out of place, like someone is trying to energetically invade your peace, space or business. That feeling may have been a psychic attack. So what do you do if that happens? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

A psychic attack is an attempted invasion of your energetic boundaries by another person or entity. It’s an attempt to access your energy without permission and it can come from anywhere — a person, an animal, or even a spirit. 

It’s like someone trying to break into your home without you knowing; they don't necessarily succeed because there are locks on the door. The same thing applies with psychic attacks; you may not even know that someone is trying to breach your energetic space until you begin to feel off or weird around them. 

As human beings with energy fields that basically act like a giant radio antenna, we are constantly encountering and interpreting different types of energy on a day to day basis. Not all of it is good and high vibing! Negative energy can sometimes come in the form of psychic attacks; One of the most common forms of cruelty projected onto people or places. It’s easy to feel the impact of psychic attack without even realizing what’s happening.

Here are some tips to protect yourself from psychic attack:

The signs of a psychic attack vary from person to person but generally include feelings of confusion, fear, anger, depression, fatigue, headaches, stomach aches, and other physical symptoms. 

In addition to physical symptoms, people who are the victims of a psychic attack may also experience shifts in their moods and emotions for no apparent reason. If these signs persist for more than a few days or weeks then it might be time to consider whether or not you are being targeted by a psychic attack. 

The most common forms of psychic attack are:

  • Bullying

  • Gossip

  • Jealousy/Envy

  • Raging

  • Mental rehearsals of doom and gloom on another person or place

  • Legal Arguments

Psychic attacks can even create cords around all of your chakras and in your 12 different dimensions.

The imprints from this type of attack can drain your, your home and even your business’s light levels down. You or your business can then be susceptible to other types of dark attacks from the spirit world. Psychic Attacks can also cause fear and mental confusion.

Gold Treatments are an important tool to protect you from these attacks and also to keep your light levels hight, but what about between treatments from me? 

What else can you do to help protect your energy and prevent this drain on your light?

Setting Boundaries

The of the best practices is to create strong energetic boundaries around yourself that enable you to keep your light levels high. This can mean something as simple as learning how to recognize when someone has crossed your boundaries and setting healthy limits on what they can access in terms of your energy field. 


One visualization I sometimes recommend is to visualize yourself as a diamond, sparkling and strong or like a sphere of light. Visualize any negative energy just bouncing or melting off of you. This type of protective ritual and affirmations can help reinforce your energetic boundaries.

Start Your Day With A Grounding Exercise

This can be a simple meditation where you visualize yourself rooted to the ground like a strong oak tree, or envision roots growing out of your feet and grounding you to the earth. It can also be more literal, grounding yourself in nature by taking walks and getting some forest time in. I recommend meditating regularly, and surrounding yourself with positive people who support your growth and well-being all help strengthen your energetic field. This helps you build awareness of your energetic field so you can begin to take note of the energy that comes your way. 

Clear Your Energy Field

While my profession is literally clearing people’s energetic fields, there are basic energetic hygiene practices that are as necessary as cleaning your bathroom. Oftentimes your aura and dimensions need a good cleanse too! (that’s when you call me!) In between Professional Master Clearings, you can take a Healer’s Bath. As you take this bath, you can also visualize any unwanted energy being swept away, and replenish your energy with brilliant white light, love and protection. 

Protective Crystals

You can also wear or carry protective crystals like black tourmaline (home cleansing and EMF protection), obsidian (for warding off negativity), amethyst (for emotional protection) or selenite for purifying energy. Just remember to select crystals that have high light measurements and to program them accordingly!

Keep Your Vibes High

I’m the last person to love and light you and encourage spiritual bypassing, however, there IS power in positivity, baby! Remember, like attracts like. If you keep your thoughts and energy positive, that will be what comes back to you. Surrounding yourself with people and things that uplift you enables you to keep a higher baseline. Listening to music that makes you feel good, laughing, dancing, and having fun help keep you bright and shiny.

Trust Your Intuition

Trust it. If you feel uncomfortable with a person or situation, trust that feeling. Listen to your intuition and take action to remove yourself from the situation. Your intuition serves as a warning for negative energy, and you should take it seriously.

Finally, no one deserves to be the victim of a psychic attack! Taking steps now to protect yourself will ensure that you stay safe from this type of unwanted attention in the future. Remember that creating strong energetic boundaries around yourself will help keep attackers at bay while also allowing only those energies which serve you into your life! 

Be sure to ground yourself regularly and practice protective rituals for extra security against any potential attacks! By doing these things regularly you'll be able safeguard not only your physical but also energetic well-being as well – mind body & spirit!

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a psychic attack and none of these seem to help, this is where I come in! If the problem is persistent and ongoing, you may need my Professional Clearing and full Gold Treatment. Simply reach out to me and we can set up a time to chat about what’s going on.

Now get out there and be the shining, bright light that you are!

Jessica XO


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