5 Reasons Why You Should Be Clearing Your Aura Regularly

I’m writing this on a quiet Easter Monday, fresh off the heels of business travel.

I spent some time in Austin, Texas as a co-facilitator at a communications workshop delivered to lawyers. It’s work I’m deeply honoured to do and having the privilege of witnessing these 22 individuals shift, soften and deepen their connection with themselves and each other never ceases to leave me filled with deep gratitude. It was also quite glorious to spend time in summer temperatures even though my sweet city was being hammered by a significant ice storm that left me delayed for a few days.

In contrast, it was a strange time to be in the United States as a Canadian, with the raw emotion of yet another school shooting in Tennessee still palpable and the indictment of their 45th president, I admit I felt a deep unease at the state of affairs while I was there and a collective heaviness that had me wonder what’s to come. It was like a shadow lingered in the corners and I was eager to get home for some quiet, AND, to give myself a clearing; especially after being with so many people and crowds (working from home affords me a pretty sweet bubble!) and to be perfectly honest, things were feeling pretty dark.

In my work as a Professional Master Clearer, one of the most important things that I have learned through my work is the importance of clearing darkness from my own aura and energetic field and replenishing it with light, which I was glad to do for myself once I got home. 

Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body and is composed of the etheric, emotional, lower mental, astral plane or veil, the higher abstract mind (soul level), oversoul level, and spiritual plane. It can be affected by many different factors, including your thoughts, emotions, and a variety of external factors.

When your aura and energy field is dim, it can have a negative impact on every aspect of your life, including your relationships and your business. You may find that you feel more anxious, depressed, or stressed than usual as well as just feeling a general heaviness in your emotional body. You may also find that you struggle in your connections with others or even in achieving your goals. This is caused by the darkness in your aura and energy field blocking the flow of light into your life.

Keeping your light high and replenishing it in your aura is essential, in my professional opinion, to living a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. Here are some of the key reasons why:

1. It enhances connection with your higher self.

Your higher self is a part of you that is connected to the divine. It’s a source of your intuition, wisdom, and inner guidance. When your aura and energy field is filled with darkness, it can be difficult to tune into your higher self. Clearing your aura and energy field can help to remove the blockages that are preventing you from accessing this part of yourself.

2. It improves your relationships and business.

Your aura and energy field is like a radio frequency that others pick up on and the energy that you emit through your aura and energy field affects the people around you. If your aura and energy field is filled with darkness, it can repel others. Clearing your aura and energy field can help you to emit a more positive energy that attracts others to you and your business.

3. It enhances your creativity.

Like I mentioned earlier, much like radio frequencies, when your aura and energy field is dark, it interferes with your connection to self and it can be difficult to tune into your creative potential. Clearing your aura and energy field can help to remove the “static” that is preventing you from tuning into your creative energy. A clearing can help you to unlock new ideas and approaches that you may not have considered before in romantic relationships, connection with your kids and even your business profitability.

4. It boosts your energy levels.

Darkness in your aura and energy field can drain your energy levels. It can make you feel tired, lethargic, and unmotivated. Clearing your aura and energy field removes this drain on your energy, allowing you to feel more vital and alive.

5. It increases your spiritual awareness.

Your aura and energy field is a reflection of your spiritual energy. When it’s dim, it can impede connection with the divine. Clearing your aura and energy field can help to remove the obstacles that are preventing you from accessing your spiritual awareness and in turn can help you to deepen your connection to the divine and to understand your purpose in life.

A Professional Master Clearing includes a full gold light treatment and removal of darkness from your aura and energy field. I believe it’s essential to living a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life. It can help you to connect with your higher self, improve your relationships, enhance your creativity, boost your energy levels, and increase your spiritual awareness. If you are struggling with that sense of heavy darkness, I encourage you to reach out to me to schedule a 15-minute consultation and analysis.

Jessica xo


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