
Burnout Jessica Dawn Séguin Burnout Jessica Dawn Séguin

5 Steps to Burnout Recovery

It’s the start of back to school and routine for many coming off of summer vacation, but the past 18 months have seen us experience life at a very different pace. Maybe summer was relaxing and a nice change of pace, but maybe it was just added stress from a seemingly endless lack of structure. Regardless of what your reality is as we shift into September, I think this week’s subject will be helpful.

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Burnout Jessica Dawn Séguin Burnout Jessica Dawn Séguin

How To Identify If You’re In A Burnout

In my last blog I wrote about overwhelm and I shared about how extended periods of unresolved overwhelm and stress can lead to burnout. The Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health says burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.

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