Reconnect To Your Spirit

Jessica Dawn Séguin hands holding crystals.jpg

Ladies, it’s been far too long since I’ve written, and while much of my coaching does include a piece on consistency, I realize I haven’t been consistently writing and sharing in this forum. So Coach, coach thyself, and here I am on a gorgeous summer morning in August, really pondering what it is that I want to connect with each of you on.

I did a FaceBook Live a couple of weeks ago after doing a check in on my goals, which is something I do at the beginning of each month to see how I’m doing with my annual goals. I went a little further this time and really checked in with how far I’d come in the past year, then even further in checking out the progress I’ve made in the past decade.

10 years ago, I’d just left my husband and was on my own with two kids under 10, no work because I’d been helping my husband build his business and truly afraid of the uncertainty I’d found myself in. In the 10 years since, I’ve had 3 different careers, lived in 5 different homes, made my way back from bankruptcy, been laid off twice, had a baby for a friend and launched my own business.

I want to talk about launching my own business and what that has to do with reconnecting with your spirit. I’ve been coaching regularly for the last 6 years, but until 2017, it was my side hustle while I was running a national charity in the field of fertility preservation (which incidentally is what led me to having a baby for my friend). Coaching was what always lit me up and was what I’d been working towards doing on a full time basis, but if I get really honest with myself (and it’s always good to do that, BTW), I was afraid to leap and own it because a regular paycheck felt pretty damned good and secure.

And that worked for a good amount of time. Until I had that baby. And I returned to work after maternity leave and was promptly laid off. Was I mad? Scared? Disappointed? Feeling bad for myself? Hell yeah to all of those things. BUT, I was also excited. There was a pretty significant part of me that knew that I’d called this in. I mean, I thought I’d called it in in a much more organized way, like, way more comfortable, but no, I’d neglected some of the details, such as EASE. Anyway…

So last summer, I had a decision to make; do I really give everything I’ve got to my business, like really believe in myself, OR, do I look for a job? I’d like to say that I was fully committed to my business at that point, I mean, I told myself I was, but I was still looking for some security, sending my CV to jobs that were kind of, sort of interesting. And I did a couple of interviews that were pretty OK.

But I also did something else. Every day, I meditated and asked for guidance. Everyday I journalled and asked for guidance from something greater than myself. Something needed to shift and I knew it was more than what was in my head. When I was extra scared, I prayed. And I began to ask for help. And I began to get clearer on my personal boundaries of what I would and would not accept when it came to the work I would do. I took this time to reconnect to my self and my spirit. To connect to what lit me up inside. To allow vulnerability to come to the surface. During this time I realized that I HAD to launch my own business not out of fear, but out of passion for connecting with women, and helping THEM reconnect to themselves and their spirit. To use my skills to help them step into their own power and purpose.

Right now this isn’t a case of “look what I’ve done, you can do it to”, rather a case of “what do you want to do and how can I help you get there?”. What is your spirit, your inner self calling for? What has been holding you back? Are you being kicked out of your comfort zone and feeling like you are in free-fall? It’s not necessarily starting your own business, maybe it’s changing jobs, leaving a partner, committing to a partner, committing to a path, whatever it is, your spirit is your inner compass. What isn’t resonating with you anymore? Where is the dissonance in your life?

You’re being called to step into yourself more fully. And when you do, I promise it’ll be worth it.


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