Personal Curses: Why They Might Be Preventing You From Living a Fulfilling & Joyful Life

As we wrap up the month of June, which is also Pride Month, writing about personal curses feels appropriate given the current climate of intolerance and anger I’ve been witnessing not only in my own city but all over the world. As the mother of a transgendered kid, I’ve seen an escalation in harmful rhetoric and acts of violence that has my heart aching. The energetics of this hatred and intolerance have far-reaching consequences.

What are personal curses? 

A personal curse can be any negative energetic pattern that has been passed down or attached to you, either through your family line or by someone who has ill intentions towards you. These curses can manifest as physical, emotional, or mental blockages which prevent you from living your best life. I have seen how personal curses can affect one's life in profound ways; it’s essential to understand what these curses are and why they need to be removed to live a fulfilling and joyful life. 

Like a family curse, typical causes of personal curses can be from resentment, jealousy, anger and covetousness – the infamous “I want what you have”. Personal curses can be placed on your marriage, relationships, home, pets, businesses and money. The manner in which this type of curse is placed is not always ritualized or conjured; it can be almost casual, beginning with simple intentions spoken aloud such as:

“I wish you dead”

“I hope you experience ___”

“Who do you think you are?”

“Just wait___” 

The more you learn about the power of intentions, it underscores how careful you need to be with your words, your energetics, and what and how you say things to others because you can create great harm to them. The more power and venom behind your words, the more those words have the capacity to inflict curses upon that person. This is what we refer to when we mention the “evil eye”. 

Personal curses can last a very long time and, like family curses, can stretch into lifetimes. In Japanese mythology, anikiryō is a manifestation of the soul of a living person existing separately from their body. In this mythology, if someone holds a sufficient grudge against another person, it is believed that a part or the whole of their soul can temporarily leave their body and appear before the target of their hate in order to curse or otherwise harm them, similar to an evil eye. 

The effects of personal curses can be quite severe, causing persistent bad luck, relationship problems, financial troubles, chronic health issues, and even depression or anxiety. It is important to note that the effects of the curse may not always be visible or noticeable, but they exist nonetheless, can severely impact your quality of life and can cause a number of disturbances such as unresolved ancestral traumas and spiritual disconnections.

Personal curses weave an intricate web that ensnares every aspect of an individual's life. Relationships can crumble, careers stagnate, health deteriorates, and a veil of darkness seems to engulf their spirit. These curses can perpetuate cycles of misfortune, trapping the afflicted in unrelenting spirals of negativity. They can manifest in diverse forms, from persistent financial struggles to chronic health issues, leaving individuals feeling isolated and powerless.

Personal curses operate on an energetic level, resonating through the ether and affecting your intricate energy systems. These curses may manifest as energy blockages, disturbances in the chakra system, or opening up attachments to negative entities. The origins of these curses can often be traced back to unresolved emotions, unresolved conflicts, or malevolent intentions aimed at the individual or their lineage.

Personal curses are negative energies that attach themselves to our souls and limit our ability to live freely and without fear. When these energies linger, we often find ourselves unable to move forward or create the life we want for ourselves. It can feel like an invisible barrier blocking us from achieving success, joy, and true fulfillment.

So, why do these curses need to be removed? 

Personal curses can be incredibly stubborn and difficult to shake off on your own. They can follow you through lifetimes and generations, wreaking havoc on your life until they are removed. In my line of work, I’ve witnessed firsthand the detrimental impact of personal curses and it demands swift action. By analyzing to detect the existence of these curses, I take steps towards clearing them from your energetic field during my Professional Master Clearing process. I then clear and cut the energetic cords that bind them and help you restore balance to your life.

Many people believe that personal curses can be erased with positive thinking or spiritual practices alone, but this is often not enough. The negative energy that has accumulated over time needs to be cleared out and replaced with light for true transformation to occur. Removing a personal curse requires a skilled practitioner who can identify and diagnose the curse, then work with you to release it. This process may involve ancestral clearing, energy shielding and grounding, and the use of crystals and essential oils to amplify the healing process.

Once the clearing is complete, this typically enables you to observe your life through a new lens, free of darkness and take new actions from a place of empowerment. You may also choose to continue with your emotional healing path with a Soul Point Journey, or your own journaling and meditation practices. Engaging in these healing practices empowers you to reconnect with your inner strength. 

Don’t let a personal curse keep you from living the life of peace, joy, and abundance that is meant for you! Clearing your personal curse will help open up new pathways to create the life you desire and live with more ease. A Professional Master Clearing can free you from these negative energies and open up new possibilities and you can finally break free from the negative patterns that have been holding you back. You will be able to see the world from a new perspective, with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality with renewed abundance and joy.

If you suspect that you may be under the influence of a personal curse I encourage you to reach out to me directly. Remember, you are worthy of living a life free from negative energy and patterns. 

XO, Jess


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